Technical Resources

By absorbing echoes and reflected sound BASWA Systems make conversation clearer, even in harsh situations, by reducing reverberation time.

The BASWA Systems have microscopically porous surfaces, that appear to be solid, applied onto a mineral wool panel. High frequency sound energy passes through the pores, into the mineral wool, and is converted into heat energy. Low frequency sound energy vibrates the porous surface diaphragmatically, transforming the sound energy into heat energy.

See Downloads

Acoustical Test Data

Acoustical Test Results

The BASWA Phon Seamless Sound Absorbing Plaster System has been tested by independent third party testing agencies. Test Data simulates actual installed field condition details. Coefficient testing is calculated following ASTM C423 Sound Absorption Test guidelines for E Mounting.

The graph above shows the data associated with the BASWA Phone Classic Fine system. This graph directly shows the benefit of BASWA acoustical plaster compared to standard drywall. There is 10x absorption of sound.

BASWA Phon can add 5-7 points to STC rated wall or ceiling.

To view all panel data download the summary below.

Download Test Data Summary

Other Test Data

Fire Test Data

Class A Fire Rating per the ASTM E84 Standard.

Mold & Mildew

10 out of a best possible 10 (which signifies no growth) on both the front and back face per the ASTM D 3273 Standard.

VOC Test Data

Compliant with the California Section 01350.

Light Reflectance Data

Light Reflectance Value of 0.91 per the ASTM E 1477‐98 Standard.

Download Test Data Summary

Specifications & Details

Classic Fine Finish

Classic Fine Finish Characteristics

  • Smoothest, Finest Marble Aggregate Finish
  • Hand Troweled, 2 Coat Finish on Factory Coated Panel
  • NRC Ratings Ranging from 0.80 to 0.90
  • Continues to set aesthetic and performance standards for seamless acoustical products.

BASWA Phon Classic Fine Assembly

Once BASWA Phon Panels are properly adhered to an acceptable stable substrate, beveled seams are filled with BASWA Fill. Once dry, a coat of BASWA Base is trowel applied over the surface. After drying overnight, a coat of BASWA Fine is trowel applied.

Product Resources

See Downloads
Acoustical Plaster

NRC Ratings

  • 30 mm - 0.80
  • 40 mm - 0.85
  • 70 mm - 0.95

SAA Ratings

  • 30 mm - 0.84
  • 40 mm - 0.87
  • 70 mm - 0.93

NRC Ratings

  • 30mm - 0.80
  • 40mm - 0.85
  • 70mm - 0.90

SAA Ratings

  • 30mm - 0.80
  • 40mm - 0.83
  • 70mm - 0.91
Inquire Now

Classic Base Finish

Smooth, Durable, Washabale, Mold and Mildew Resistant Finish

Classic Base Finish Characteristics

  • Smoothest Marble Aggregate Finish
  • Hand Troweled, 2 Coat Finish on Factory Coated Panel
  • NRC Ratings Ranging from 0.80 to 0.90
  • Ideal for high humidity; spas, natatoriums, or porte-cochères.

BASWA Phon Classic Base Assembly

Once BASWA Phon Panels are properly adhered to an acceptable stable substrate, beveled seams are filled with BASWA Fill. Once dry, a coat of BASWA Base is trowel applied over the surface. After drying overnight, a second coat of BASWA Base is trowel applied.

Product Resources

See Downloads
Acoustical Plaster

NRC Ratings

  • 30 mm - 0.80
  • 40 mm - 0.85
  • 70 mm - 1.00

SAA Ratings

  • 30 mm - 0.79
  • 40 mm - 0.87
  • 70 mm - 0.98

NRC Ratings

  • 30mm - 0.80
  • 40mm - 0.85
  • 70mm - .90

SAA Ratings

  • 30mm - 0.80
  • 40mm - 0.83
  • 70mm - 0.94
Inquire Now

Fine Finish

Premium Smooth Finish

Fine Finish Characteristics

  • Smoothest, Finest Marble Aggregate Finish
  • Hand Troweled, 1 Coat Finish on Factory Coated Panel
  • NRC Ratings Ranging from 0.80 to 0.95
  • Ideal for condensed schedule spaces without significant critical lighting.

BASWA Phon Fine Assembly

Once BASWA Phon Panels are properly adhered to an acceptable stable substrate, beveled seams are filled with BASWA Fill. Once dry, a coat of BASWA Fine is trowel applied over the surface.

Product Resources

See Downloads
Acoustical Plaster

NRC Ratings

  • 30 mm - 0.80
  • 40 mm - 0.85
  • 70 mm - 1.00

SAA Ratings

  • 30 mm - 0.80
  • 40mm - 0.87
  • 70 mm - 0.97

NRC Ratings

  • 30mm - 0.80
  • 40mm - 0.85
  • 70mm - 1.00

SAA Ratings

  • 30mm - 0.80
  • 40mm - 0.87
  • 70mm - 0.97
Inquire Now

Base Finish

Smooth, Durable, Washabale, Mold and Mildew Resistant Finish

Base Finish Characteristics

  • Smooth Marble Aggregate Finish
  • Hand Troweled, 1 Coat Finish on Factory Coated Panel
  • NRC Ratings Ranging from 0.80 to 1.00
  •  Ideal for high humidity; spas, natatoriums, or porte-cochères

BASWA Phon Base Assembly

Once BASWA Phon Panels are properly adhered to an acceptable stable substrate, beveled seams are filled with BASWA Fill. Once dry, a coat of BASWA Base is trowel applied over the surface.

Product Resources

See Downloads
Acoustical Plaster

NRC Ratings

  • 30 mm - 0.80
  • 40 mm - 0.85
  • 70 mm - 1.00

SAA Ratings

  • 30 mm - 0.80
  • 40 mm - 0.86
  • 70 mm - 0.99

NRC Ratings

  • 30mm - 0.80
  • 40mm - 0.85
  • 70mm - 0.95

SAA Ratings

  • 30mm - 0.81
  • 40mm - 0.82
  • 70mm - 0.67
Inquire Now

Custom Finish

Custom Finishes and Textures

Custom Finish Characteristics

  • Hand troweled smooth or spray applied finishes.
  • Create knock-down, stone, “old world” plaster, or other custom aesthetic using a variety or application techniques.
  • Spray applied light-sand textured Frost Finish achieves NRC Ratings Ranging from 0.80 to 1.00
Learn More
Acoustical PlasterAcoustical Plaster Concrete

LEED V4 Credits

BASWA acoustic is committed to sustainability, from manufacturing to finished product.

We continuously innovate with ecological improvement in mind to conform to our environmental values. BASWA uses natural and recycled materials, optimized production with heat-recovery, and formaldehyde & solvent-free binders.

As sustainability research continues, BASWA acoustic continues to comply with changing guidelines and regulations; including LEED, WELL, and Portico. HPDs and EPDs are available for all products.

All BASWA acoustic system component testing is performed by certified third party labs. Certified test data reports are available upon request.

BASWA Phon Panels contain 92% natural and recycled materials, made from recycled glass; only 8% is synthetic materials. Finish materials contain 95% recycled materials, made from aggregate produced during marble stone extraction. The organic binders are formaldehyde & soluble free.

BASWA Systems are VOC free, complying with CA Section 01350. BASWA Finishes offer high light reflectance, with an average light reflectance L Value of 0.91 per ASTM E1477. BASWA Phon System R-values reach 11.66. Cleaning & maintenance of BASWA Systems require no harmful cleaners or chemicals. BASWA acoustic North America offers US Made systems components.

Download BASWA Sustainability Data Sheet

Energy & Atmosphere (EA)

Enhanced Refrigerant Management (1 Point)


To reduce ozone depletion and support early compliance with the Montreal Protocol while minimizing direct contributions to climate change.


The BASWA Cool System uses an embedded capillary pipe system to provide thermal comfort within a space. Water transporting capillary pipe mats are installed close to the surface, conserving energy while also providing room temperature control without generating airstreams that could negatively affect the ozone.

Optimize Energy Performance (1-20 Points)


To achieve increasing levels of energy performance beyond the prerequisite standard to reduce environmental and economic harms associated with excessive energy use.


The BASWA Phon high density mineral wool supporting panels support additional thermal insulation, providing an R-Value of 4.35 per inch of thickness, thus reducing heating and cooling energy use.BASWA Phon provides the following insulating R-Values:30mm BASWA Phon System (1.18”) R-5.1340mm BASWA Phon System (1.57”) R-6.8370mm BASWA Phon System (2.75”) R-11.66

Materials & Resources (MR)

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product Declarations (1-2 Points)


To encourage the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life-cycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products from manufacturers who have verified improved environmental life-cycle impacts


BASWA Phon suporting panels contain 92% natural and recycled materials, and are made from recycled glass. In addition, BASWA Finish materials contain 95% recycled materials, made from aggregate produced during marble stone extraction. The organic binders used in the product are produced environmentally friendly, and are formaldehyde and solvent free. BASWA acoustic is committed to the use of natural and recycled material, optimized production with heat-recovery, solvent-free binders, and continuous ecological improvements to each product. Detailed information on the components of our panels and finishes have been third party tested and documented.

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials (1-2 Points)


To encourage the use of products and materials for which life cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life cycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products verified to have been extracted or sourced in a responsible manner.


BASWA Phon supporting panels contain 92% natural and recycled materials, and are made from recycled glass. In addition, finish materials contain 95% recycled materials, made from aggregate produced during marble stone extraction

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (1-2 Points)


To encourage the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life-cycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products for which the chemical ingredients in the product are inventoried using an accepted methodology and for selecting products verified to minimize the use and generation of harmful substances. To reward raw material manufacturers who produce products verified to have improved life-cycle impacts.


BASWA acoustic discloses all chemical product ingredients. HPD documentation and third party Life Cycle Assessments have been conducted to verify improved life-cycle impacts, as well as the absence of harmful substances.

PBT Source Reduction - Mercury (1 Point)


To reduce the release of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) chemicals associated with the life cycle of building materials.


The BASWA Phon Acoustical Plaster System have been third party HPD documented to confirm the absence of harmful materials including mercury.

PBT Source Reduction - Lead, Cadmium and Copper (2 Points)


To reduce the release of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals associated with the life cycle of building materials.


The BASWA Phon Acoustical Plaster System has been third party HPD documented to confirm the absence harmful materials including lead, cadmium, and copper.

Construction and Demolition Waste Management (1-2 Points)


To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by recovering, reusing, and recycling materials.


In a typical installation, less than 3% of panels are discarded due to small leftover pieces. Panel scraps are acceptable in mixed-glass recycling facilities. Plastic pails containing the Pre-Fill, Base and Fine Coats are recyclable as well. Unused panels, Base and Fine Coats are saved for use on a following project.

Indoor Evironmental Quality (EQ)

Low-Emitting Materials (1-3 Points)


To reduce concentrations of chemical contaminants that can damage air quality, human health, productivity, and the environment.


The sensitive use of binders in the BASWA Phon mineral wool panels, and binders used to adhere the recycled contents creates an acoustical product that has no harmful volatile organic compound emissions (no VOCs). Additionally, BASWA Phon mineral wool panels compliant with the California Section 01350.

Thermal Comfort (1 Point)


To promote occupants’ productivity, comfort, and well-being by providing quality thermal comfort.


BASWA Phon high density mineral wool supporting panels provide an excellent source of thermal insulation, providing an R-Value of 4.35 per inch of thickness, thus reducing heating and cooling energy use and affording occupants greater thermal comfort in a conditioned space with lower heating and cooling energy use.

BASWA Phon provides the following insulating R-Values:

– 30mm system (1.18”) R-5.13
– 40mm system (1.57”) R-6.83
– 70mm system (2.75”) R-11.66

Interior Lighting (1-2 Points)


To promote occupants’ productivity, comfort, and well-being by providing high-quality lighting.


The high density marble aggregate finish coat is an excellent reflective surface, reflecting interior light sources. In interior occupied spaces, energy use can be dramatically reduced through the coordination of locations of lighting and BASWA Phon, thus reducing overall energy consumption. Average light reflectance L Value of 0.91 per ASTM E1477.

Daylight (1-3 Points)


To connect building occupants with the outdoors, reinforce circadian rhythms, and reduce the use of electrical lighting by introducing daylight into the space.


The high density marble aggregate finish coat is an excellent reflective surface, reflecting natural light. In interior occupied spaces, energy use can be dramatically reduced through the coordination of locations of lighting and BASWA Phon, thus reducing overall energy consumption. Average light reflectance L Value of 0.91 per ASTM E1477.

Acoustic Performance (1-2 Points)


To provide workspaces and classrooms that promote occupants’ well-being, productivity, and communications through effective acoustic design.


The BASWA Systems are available in 3 system thicknesses, 30mm (1.18”), 40mm (1.57”), and 70mm (2.75”); each having different sound absorption characteristics.BASWA Phon Acoustical Plaster System provides the following NRC Ratings:

– 30mm system 0.75-0.80
– 40mm system 0.85
– 70mm system 0.85-1.00+ BASWA Phon also provides an additional 5-7 points to an STC rating.

The NRC is a single-number index determined in a lab test and used for rating how sound absorptive a material is. This industry standard ranges from zero (perfectly reflective) to 1 (perfectly absorptive). It is simply the average of the mid-frequency sound absorption coefficients (250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 Hertz). Measurements are made with the BASWA Phon systems applied to ⅝” gypsum board tested following the ASTM 423 Sound Absorption Test guidelines by a third party.

Regional Priority (RP)

Regional Priority (4 Points)


To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that address geographically specific environmental, social equity, and public health priorities.


BASWA Base and Fine materials are manufactured in Chardon, OH. BASWA Tint is manufactured in Cleveland, OH. BASWA Trims are manufactured in Chicago, IL. The BASWA Phon panel adhesive is manufactured in Gypsum, OH. Extracted and finished materials are transported by truck carrier.

Cleaning & Maintenance

BASWA Systems are applied to a stable sealed substrate. Air does not pass through the product, therefore, only minor surface maintenance may be required. The cleaning and maintenance does not require any hazardous cleaning agents.

Surface Dust & Dirt

Stains that have penetrated the surface and cannot be removed by the previous actions are removed as follows: Apply a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the imbedded stain. This action “bubbles” the stain to the surface where it can be removed by gently patting the surface with a clean soft white towel. This process can only be used on white finished surfaces.

Food & Organic Stains

Surface dust and dirt can be vacuumed off using a soft brush attachment or blown off using pressurized air. Removal may also be accomplished by applying duct or masking tape to the affected area. This action lifts the dust or dirt from the surface without damaging the finish.

Deep Stains & Water Damage

Surface stains are removed by applying BASWA Surface Cleaner, sold by BASWA acoustic. The two part system, solvent and booster, is mixed according to manufacturer’s guidelines and is applied to the affected area. Once applied, BASWA Surface Cleaner has oxidation properties that dissolve organic compounds as well as an anti-bacterial effect that will eliminate any present odors.

Removing Surface Particles

Learn how to properly adjust and re-finish your BASWA products

Removing Organic Stains

Learn how to properly adjust and re-finish your BASWA products

Protecting BASWA Systems from Stains and Soil with BASWA Protect

BASWA Protect provides a protective, clear, in-depth water repelling impregnation layer developed for BASWA systems that prevents stains and soil before they occur. The deep penetration of BASWA Protect significantly reduces dirt and water absorption without creating a bridging layer to influence the sound absorption properties. BASWA Protect does not form a light reflective layer, color, or gloss on the surface.

Video Resources

Finding Acoustic Comfort

Karin von Arb and Markus Häusermann explain the benefits of considering acoustics in their home.

Installing BASWA Phon

Learn how BASWA Phon Acoustical Plaster Systems are installed, and what you can expect from the finished project.

How Does BASWA Phon Work?

The BASWA Phon Seamless Sound Absorbing Plaster System is used to reduce reverberation time.

Creating Healthy Architecture

An exploration into acoustics and how function can be balanced with aesthetic appeal to create architecture that provides comfort and well being.

Museum of the Bible

Installed by Manganaro Midatlantic, BASWA Phon Sound Absorbing Plaster was seamlessly integrated into the design to minimize noise levels.

Test Data & Resources

Energy & Atmosphere (EA)

Enhanced Refrigerant Management (1 Point)


To reduce ozone depletion and support early compliance with the Montreal Protocol while minimizing direct contributions to climate change.


The BASWA Cool System uses an embedded capillary pipe system to provide thermal comfort within a space. Water transporting capillary pipe mats are installed close to the surface, conserving energy while also providing room temperature control without generating airstreams that could negatively affect the ozone.

Optimize Energy Performance (1-20 Points)


To achieve increasing levels of energy performance beyond the prerequisite standard to reduce environmental and economic harms associated with excessive energy use.


The BASWA Phon high density mineral wool supporting panels support additional thermal insulation, providing an R-Value of 4.35 per inch of thickness, thus reducing heating and cooling energy use.BASWA Phon provides the following insulating R-Values:30mm BASWA Phon System (1.18”) R-5.1340mm BASWA Phon System (1.57”) R-6.8370mm BASWA Phon System (2.75”) R-11.66

Materials & Resources (MR)

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product Declarations (1-2 Points)


To encourage the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life-cycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products from manufacturers who have verified improved environmental life-cycle impacts


BASWA Phon suporting panels contain 92% natural and recycled materials, and are made from recycled glass. In addition, BASWA Finish materials contain 95% recycled materials, made from aggregate produced during marble stone extraction. The organic binders used in the product are produced environmentally friendly, and are formaldehyde and solvent free. BASWA acoustic is committed to the use of natural and recycled material, optimized production with heat-recovery, solvent-free binders, and continuous ecological improvements to each product. Detailed information on the components of our panels and finishes have been third party tested and documented.

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials (1-2 Points)


To encourage the use of products and materials for which life cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life cycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products verified to have been extracted or sourced in a responsible manner.


BASWA Phon supporting panels contain 92% natural and recycled materials, and are made from recycled glass. In addition, finish materials contain 95% recycled materials, made from aggregate produced during marble stone extraction

Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients (1-2 Points)


To encourage the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life-cycle impacts. To reward project teams for selecting products for which the chemical ingredients in the product are inventoried using an accepted methodology and for selecting products verified to minimize the use and generation of harmful substances. To reward raw material manufacturers who produce products verified to have improved life-cycle impacts.


BASWA acoustic discloses all chemical product ingredients. HPD documentation and third party Life Cycle Assessments have been conducted to verify improved life-cycle impacts, as well as the absence of harmful substances.

PBT Source Reduction - Mercury (1 Point)


To reduce the release of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) chemicals associated with the life cycle of building materials.


The BASWA Phon Acoustical Plaster System have been third party HPD documented to confirm the absence of harmful materials including mercury.

PBT Source Reduction - Lead, Cadmium and Copper (2 Points)


To reduce the release of persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals associated with the life cycle of building materials.


The BASWA Phon Acoustical Plaster System has been third party HPD documented to confirm the absence harmful materials including lead, cadmium, and copper.

Construction and Demolition Waste Management (1-2 Points)


To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by recovering, reusing, and recycling materials.


In a typical installation, less than 3% of panels are discarded due to small leftover pieces. Panel scraps are acceptable in mixed-glass recycling facilities. Plastic pails containing the Pre-Fill, Base and Fine Coats are recyclable as well. Unused panels, Base and Fine Coats are saved for use on a following project.

Indoor Evironmental Quality (EQ)

Low-Emitting Materials (1-3 Points)


To reduce concentrations of chemical contaminants that can damage air quality, human health, productivity, and the environment.


The sensitive use of binders in the BASWA Phon mineral wool panels, and binders used to adhere the recycled contents creates an acoustical product that has no harmful volatile organic compound emissions (no VOCs). Additionally, BASWA Phon mineral wool panels compliant with the California Section 01350.

Thermal Comfort (1 Point)


To promote occupants’ productivity, comfort, and well-being by providing quality thermal comfort.


BASWA Phon high density mineral wool supporting panels provide an excellent source of thermal insulation, providing an R-Value of 4.35 per inch of thickness, thus reducing heating and cooling energy use and affording occupants greater thermal comfort in a conditioned space with lower heating and cooling energy use.BASWA Phon provides the following insulating R-Values:30mm system (1.18”) R-5.13
40mm system (1.57”) R-6.83
70mm system (2.75”) R-11.66

Interior Lighting (1-2 Points)


To promote occupants’ productivity, comfort, and well-being by providing high-quality lighting.


The high density marble aggregate finish coat is an excellent reflective surface, reflecting interior light sources. In interior occupied spaces, energy use can be dramatically reduced through the coordination of locations of lighting and BASWA Phon, thus reducing overall energy consumption. Average light reflectance L Value of 0.91 per ASTM E1477.

Daylight (1-3 Points)


To connect building occupants with the outdoors, reinforce circadian rhythms, and reduce the use of electrical lighting by introducing daylight into the space.


The high density marble aggregate finish coat is an excellent reflective surface, reflecting natural light. In interior occupied spaces, energy use can be dramatically reduced through the coordination of locations of lighting and BASWA Phon, thus reducing overall energy consumption. Average light reflectance L Value of 0.91 per ASTM E1477.

Acoustic Performance (1-2 Points)


To provide workspaces and classrooms that promote occupants’ well-being, productivity, and communications through effective acoustic design.


The BASWA Systems are available in 3 system thicknesses, 30mm (1.18”), 40mm (1.57”), and 70mm (2.75”); each having different sound absorption characteristics.BASWA Phon Acoustical Plaster System provides the following NRC Ratings:30mm system 0.75-0.80
40mm system 0.85
70mm system 0.85-1.00+ BASWA Phon also provides an additional 5-7 points to an STC rating. The NRC is a single-number index determined in a lab test and used for rating how sound absorptive a material is. This industry standard ranges from zero (perfectly reflective) to 1 (perfectly absorptive). It is simply the average of the mid-frequency sound absorption coefficients (250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 Hertz). Measurements are made with the BASWA Phon systems applied to ⅝” gypsum board tested following the ASTM 423 Sound Absorption Test guidelines by a third party.

Regional Priority (RP)

Regional Priority (4 Points)


To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that address geographically specific environmental, social equity, and public health priorities.


BASWA Base and Fine materials are manufactured in Chardon, OH. BASWA Tint is manufactured in Cleveland, OH. BASWA Trims are manufactured in Chicago, IL. The BASWA Phon panel adhesive is manufactured in Gypsum, OH. Extracted and finished materials are transported by truck carrier.

Acoustical Test Data

Type A Mounting

The BASWA Systems have microscopically porous surfaces, that appear to be solid, applied onto a mineral wool panel. High frequency sound energy passes through the pores, into the mineral wool, and is converted into heat energy.

Type E Mounting

The BASWA Systems have microscopically porous surfaces, that appear to be solid, applied onto a mineral wool panel. High frequency sound energy passes through the pores, into the mineral wool, and is converted into heat energy.

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Cleaning & Maintenance

BASWA Systems are applied to a stable sealed substrate. Air does not pass through the product, therefore, only minor surface maintenance may be required. The cleaning and maintenance does not require any hazardous cleaning agents.

Surface Dust & Dirt

Surface dust and dirt can be vacuumed off using a soft brush attachment or blown off using pressurized air. Removal may also be accomplished by applying duct or masking tape to the affected area. This action lifts the dust or dirt from the surface without damaging the finish.

Food & Organic Stains

Surface stains are removed by applying BASWA Surface Cleaner, sold by BASWA acoustic. The two part system, solvent and booster, is mixed according to manufacturer’s guidelines and is applied to the affected area. Once applied, BASWA Surface Cleaner has oxidation properties that dissolve organic compounds as well as an anti-bacterial effect that will eliminate any present odors.

Deep Stains & Water Damage

Stains that have penetrated the surface and cannot be removed by the previous actions are removed as follows: Apply a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the imbedded stain. This action “bubbles” the stain to the surface where it can be removed by gently patting the surface with a clean soft white towel. This process can only be used on white finished surfaces.

Fire Test Data

Deep Stains & Water Damage

Stains that have penetrated the surface and cannot be removed by the previous actions are removed as follows: Apply a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the imbedded stain. This action “bubbles” the stain to the surface where it can be removed by gently patting the surface with a clean soft white towel. This process can only be used on white finished surfaces.

View Resources

Mold & Mildew

Deep Stains & Water Damage

Stains that have penetrated the surface and cannot be removed by the previous actions are removed as follows: Apply a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the imbedded stain. This action “bubbles” the stain to the surface where it can be removed by gently patting the surface with a clean soft white towel. This process can only be used on white finished surfaces.

View Resources

VOC Test Data

Deep Stains & Water Damage

Stains that have penetrated the surface and cannot be removed by the previous actions are removed as follows: Apply a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the imbedded stain. This action “bubbles” the stain to the surface where it can be removed by gently patting the surface with a clean soft white towel. This process can only be used on white finished surfaces.

View Resources

Light Reflectance Data

Deep Stains & Water Damage

Stains that have penetrated the surface and cannot be removed by the previous actions are removed as follows: Apply a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the imbedded stain. This action “bubbles” the stain to the surface where it can be removed by gently patting the surface with a clean soft white towel. This process can only be used on white finished surfaces.

View Resources

Video Resources

Deep Stains & Water Damage

Additional Videos

Video Title Name

To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that address geographically specific environmental, social equity, and public health priorities.

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Engineered in Switzerland | Components made in the USA
©2020 BASWA acoustic North America, LLC